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Meet Marion Poitevin: Alpinist, Skier and Mountain Fanatic

Meet the only women EVER to have been in the elite alpine section of the French Army

featured in Video reports Author Ellie Mahoney, Chamonix Editor Updated

A to B - Journeys: The WoMoCo (Women's Mountain Collective) catch up with alpinist Marion Poitevin.

Female mountaineer Marion Poitevin has been breaking boundaries left right and centre as a High Mountain Guide, alpinist and member of the elite section of the French military.

The Women's Mountain Collective spent a chilled weekend ski touring with Marion and GAF74 to hear more of her life journey so far....and to nip up and down a 45 degree couloir at the same time!

Thanks to GAF74 and the 'Comité Haute-Savoie des Clubs alpins et de montagne' for inviting the Women's Mountain Collective to join them.


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